M.A.P. (Mail Art Project)
Astăzi, mai exact ieri, am primit o invitație de a contribui la un amplu proiect de mail art, din SUA.
Acesta este conceptul:
M.A.P. has been created to bring together a community of artists through art in the form of mail. The concept of this project is for a piece of mail art to be created and mailed to an individual who can then choose to:
· "Add and Return", expand on the work received to create a collaborative piece of art and return it to Olin Hall Galleries
· "Add and Pass", adding to the work, and sending it on to someone else
· Create your own original piece of mail art and send it to Olin Hall Galleries
· Keep the mail art you have received
Olin Hall Galleries has organized this visual "pen-pal" venture and M.A.P. exhibition to represent an international outreach and exchange from Roanoke and the surrounding areas. Our goal is to have a M.A.P. piece mailed to ever country and U.S. state. At this time we have labels addressed to individuals internationally or you may choose to send one to someone you know locally or abroad. These works will be documented through a world map that tags the locations in which pieces have traversed. We would like to keep record of works sent so please send an image and mailing information to mlogan@roanoke.edu so that we may have record of all participants.
· "Add and Return", expand on the work received to create a collaborative piece of art and return it to Olin Hall Galleries
· "Add and Pass", adding to the work, and sending it on to someone else
· Create your own original piece of mail art and send it to Olin Hall Galleries
· Keep the mail art you have received
Olin Hall Galleries has organized this visual "pen-pal" venture and M.A.P. exhibition to represent an international outreach and exchange from Roanoke and the surrounding areas. Our goal is to have a M.A.P. piece mailed to ever country and U.S. state. At this time we have labels addressed to individuals internationally or you may choose to send one to someone you know locally or abroad. These works will be documented through a world map that tags the locations in which pieces have traversed. We would like to keep record of works sent so please send an image and mailing information to mlogan@roanoke.edu so that we may have record of all participants.
Dar lucrul cel mai captivant al cartolinei primite, care poate fi vizualizată aici (se caută România, și se apasă pe bulina roșie, ceea ce înseamnează că destinatarul nu a contribuit încă cu nimic la proiect...), este micuțul timbru, cu valoarea de doi dolari SUA, care reia un timbru din 1918, cu avionul răsturnat - cea mai ”valoroasă eroare din istoria poștei americane”, intrat în istorie ca ”Inverted Jenny”; pe atunci marca avea valoarea de 24 de cenți, enorm de scumpă, dat fiind că valorile poștale la acea vreme erau stabilite la 3 cenți. Acesta era contravaloare unei expedieri cu avionul. Reluarea acestei teme după 95 de ani, a făcut ca întregul tiraj să aibă avionul răsturnat, iar cele cu valoare deosebită, filatelică, dimpotrivă - cu avionul înscris normal între limitele chenarului.
pentru a mări imaginea, apăsați pe ea.